to join

Anthology Project for Volume 3?

reserve my spot!

The Next Chicken Soup for Marketplace Ministers!

f.i.t. in faith press

is announcing VOLUME III of the Joy-Full Anthology!

do you have a dream?

to be a published "best selling" author by the end of 2024!

to collaborate with other like-minded and like-hearted leaders!

to have more opportunities to speak on stages in your Zone of Genius?

reserve my spot

why not do all three?

We will work together, in a proven framework with a structured driver and timeline, along with the support of a full publishing and marketing company, to magnify your message and share it with the world!

This one integration launched you into your greatest abundance and ultimate joy?

Join the 2024 The Joy-full Anthology Project - Volume 3 - with anticipated book launch date by the end of the year!

Releasing Next Vol. Concept soon!

your message


You don't have to concern yourself with editing, formatting, learning publishing processes, or marketing...This is a WRITE & WIN scenario. 


The Joy-full Entrepreneur Anthology project was developed to build RELATIONSHIPS, RESUMES, and RESULTS without the headache or unknowns of the publishing world. Plus at F.I.T. in Faith Media we always include the fun and the freedom!

Best Seller Run Initiative

Creative Publicity Plan Development

Social Media Launch Package - Personalized

Podcast Launch Tour Preparation Package

Book Launch Team - with full email list share

Book Launch Party at in person F.I.T. in Faith Event 2024

Rights to re-sell the book at discounted rate for full profits

Author Network & Community Collaboration

Writing Framework & Construction

Project Management

Structured Timeline for Submissions

Author Coordination

Dual Editing Process

Full Formatting for Ebook & Print

Creative Cover & Web Design

What you get from our team...

RELEASING Next Vol. Concept Coming soon

The premise of this book is to activate the growing market of marketplace ministers by infusing Truth as the foundation to principles and strategies that have proven the test of time Biblically. We will invigorate growth, empower servant leaders and magnify the importance of presence so that we may unlock prosperity and remain, sustain and attain the identity of a joy-full entrepreneur!

Want to understand more about how an anthology is a massive asset to your author journey and brand building?

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